When you arrive at Huis Ten Bosch

Information on how to get to Hotel Amsterdam from the entrance to Huis Ten Bosch

guests arriving by land route

guests arriving by car

Please park your car in the parking lot exclusively for hotel guests. (Present your parking ticket at the hotel front desk for free.)
* If the car is full, we may guide you to a nearby parking lot.

guests arriving by JR

It is about a 5-minute walk from JR Huis Ten Bosch Station to enter the park. We also have a convenient hand-push baggage cart for the section. (free)

guests arriving by bus

There is an immigration gate right next to the bus stop where you got off.

If you would like to check your baggage, please drop in at the "Hotel Baggage Storage" near the entry point.

Baggage storage at the hotel in the hall (24 hours a day) * Telephone is available from night to early morning.

Transferring baggage to the hotel

At the "Hotel Baggage Storage", baggage will be delivered to each hotel free of charge. This is convenient if you arrive before the check-in time (it takes about 2 hours to move your baggage to each hotel).
In addition, baggage after check-out can be checked in at the hotel throughout the day.
Check-in procedures are carried out at the hotel reception.

* Guests-only tickets can be issued at the immigration ticket office or at the hotel front desk.

*On days when large events are held (Kyushu No. 1 Fireworks Festival, Countdown, and other fireworks dates) and holidays (Golden Week, Obon, Christmas, etc.), traffic restrictions are in place to prevent crowding within the venue and ensure safety. Please note that there may be time when the service is unavailable.

guests arriving by ship

The high-speed boat arrives at Marine Terminal, the gateway to the sea at Huis Ten Bosch. From the Marine Terminal exit, head right and you will reach the immigration gate (harbor gate) in about 3 minutes on foot. After completing the admission procedure here, go through the harbor gate and you will reach Hotel Amsterdam in about 3 minutes on foot.

Access to Hotel Amsterdam

Park Bus

The Park Bus operates from the welcome bus stop, which is about a 3-minute walk from the immigration gate. Hotel Amsterdam is about 5 minutes away by Park Bus.

* The number of trains varies depending on the time

* Because it is a Park Bus the inside of the car may be crowded depending on time Please note.

*On days when large events are held (Kyushu No. 1 Fireworks Festival, Countdown, and other fireworks dates) and holidays (Golden Week, Obon, Christmas, etc.), traffic restrictions are in place to prevent crowding within the grounds and ensure Park Bus Please note that there are time when this service may not be available.
We recommend that you take the hotel bus that runs in front of the baggage storage area to Hotel Europe, and then walk to the hotel.

Canal Cruiser
(Canal ship)

Board from "Canal Station Welcome" and disembark at "Canal Station Tower City". It takes about 12 minutes to use the canal cruiser. It is about a 4-minute walk from "Canal Station Tower City" to "Hotel Amsterdam".

* There is a charge for Canal Cruiser. You can use it with your passport. 
Huis Ten Bosch admission ticket is required.

Click here for Canal Cruiser flight time

On foot

Please head to the hotel from the entrance gate of Huis Ten Bosch. (About 15 minutes on foot)
Huis Ten Bosch admission ticket is required.