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privacy policy

privacy policy

For Huis Ten Bosch Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "our company"), information that can identify guests and other people associated with our company, in other words, personal information, is an irreplaceable and important asset.
Furthermore, there is a social demand that this important personal information be kept confidential and handled accurately and securely.
In order to meet such social responsibilities, we will comply with laws and regulations regarding personal information protection and will protect personal information appropriately in accordance with the following basic policy.

  1. We will collect and handle personal information by appropriate and fair means within the scope of the purpose of use specified, and will take measures to prevent it from being used for other purposes. In addition, we will not disclose or provide the personal information you provide to a third party unless you have the consent of the person or there is a valid reason.
  2. We will comply with the Personal Information Protection Law and other related laws, national guidelines and other norms. In addition, we will build a system for the protection of personal information, make it known to officers and employees, strive to ensure thorough compliance, and continuously improve to maintain the best condition at all times.
  3. We will store and manage personal information appropriately and carefully, and in order to prevent risks such as leakage, loss or damage, we will endeavor to implement appropriate and rational safety measures from both technical and management aspects, and review them. Will be continuously implemented. In the unlikely event that personal information is leaked, lost or damaged, we will promptly notify the individual and take appropriate measures and corrective actions.
  4. We will promptly respond to requests for disclosure of personal information, complaints and consultations from the individual.

Enactment date: September 1, 2021
Huis Ten Bosch Co., Ltd.
Representative Director Kotaro Takamura

[Personal Information Inquiry Desk: CS Promotion Office]
Huis Ten Bosch Call Center 0570-064-110
Reception time 9:00-17:00
*If you make a request by phone, the conversation may be recorded to confirm the content.

Handling of guests personal information

1. Purpose of use of personal information

When making inquiries or applications for tickets, accommodations, or other Merchandise services, we will use the personal information provided by filling out or entering it into an application form, or by contacting us by phone, email, etc., in the following ways.

<Personal information provided when making inquiries or consultations>
We will use this personal information to contact guests, and may also use it to the extent necessary to contact or confirm with related organizations regarding the content of guests inquiry, etc.

<Personal information provided when applying for tickets, accommodation, or other Merchandise and services>
We will use this personal information to contact guests, and will also use it within the scope necessary to ship Merchandise or provide services that guests have ordered.

*In addition, we may use your personal information for market analysis to develop better Merchandise and services in the future, to provide guests with information about Merchandise and services of our company and those of our partner companies, to request your opinions and feedback after entering the hotel, staying at our hotel, or receiving other Merchandise and services, to provide Privilege services, etc., to guests statistical data, and to monitor, prevent, analyze, and take measures against fraudulent activity.
*We will retain some of the personal information provided by guests when applying for tickets, accommodation, or other Merchandise and services as personal data.
*In either case, guests can choose for yourself whether or not to provide your personal information to us. However, if the personal information you do not provide is essential for the provision of the tickets, accommodation, or other Merchandise and services you have applied for, please note that you may not be able to use our tickets, accommodation, or other Merchandise and services.

2. Provision of personal information

When making inquiries or applications for tickets, accommodations, or other Merchandise and services, we will provide to third parties, to the extent necessary, personal information provided by filling out or entering it into the application form, or by contacting us by telephone, e-mail, etc. When making an application, guests will be required to consent to the provision of such personal information.

<Personal information provided when making inquiries or consultations>
We may provide guests personal information to guests related to the content of guests inquiry or consultation, within the scope necessary to respond to your inquiry or consultation.

<Personal information provided when applying for tickets, accommodation, other Merchandise, services, etc.>
We will provide your name, gender, age, address, telephone number, email address, passport number, and other service usage history by electronic means to guests selling and shipping Merchandise, insurance companies, etc., within the scope necessary for the delivery of Merchandise or provision of services that you have applied for, and within the scope necessary for insurance procedures to cover our liability in providing guests Merchandise and services, and expenses in the event of an accident, etc.

*Other than the above, with the exception of the following cases, we will not provide personal information to third parties without guests consent.

  1. When there is guests consent
  2. When required by law
  3. When it is necessary to protect the life, body or property of a person and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person.
  4. When it is particularly necessary to improve public health or promote the sound development of children, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person.
  5. When it is necessary for a national institution or a local public body or a person entrusted with it to cooperate in carrying out the affairs stipulated by laws and regulations, obtaining the consent of the person will hinder the performance of the affairs. When there is a risk of exerting
  6. When entrusting all or part of the handling of personal information to the extent necessary to achieve the specified purpose of use

3. Procedures for disclosure of personal information

If you wish to inquire about, disclose, delete, erase, correct, or suspend use of guests personal data held by our company, or to stop providing it to third parties, please contact our inquiry desk and we will guide you through the necessary procedures. In accordance with the law and our company regulations, we will respond to your request within a reasonable period of time and notify you of the result. In addition, if we are unable to comply with your request in whole or in part, we will explain the reasons.

[Personal Information Inquiry Desk: CS Promotion Office]
Huis Ten Bosch Call Center 0570-064-110
Reception time 9:00-17:00

4. Business consignment

In providing Merchandise and services to guests, we may outsource part of the business and provide personal information to the outsourcing company within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use.In such cases, we will properly manage and supervise the outsourcing company, including entering into a confidentiality agreement with the outsourcing company regarding the handling of guests personal information.

5. About anonymous processing information

We will take appropriate protective measures to prevent the identification of guests individuals and the restoration of personal information used to create the anonymously processed information, and will create anonymously processed information and provide it to third parties to the extent permitted by law. In addition, we will strive to take necessary and appropriate measures for the safe management of anonymously processed information, as well as measures necessary to handle complaints regarding the handling of anonymously processed information and ensure the proper handling of other anonymously processed information.

6. Handling of information on the website

When guests use our website (including Castle of Shopping, Huis Ten Bosch Wedding, and Official Hotels pages), we will endeavor to operate and manage the website so that guests can use it with peace of mind, in accordance with the following stipulations based on this privacy policy.

<Scope of application>
This privacy policy applies when guests are using our website, and does not apply to sites operated by other companies. Our website provides links to other websites in order to provide guests with useful information and services, but this privacy policy does not apply to the linked sites, so we recommend that you check the privacy protection provisions of each site when Access it.

<Security technology to protect personal information>
When guests provide us with personal information, we ensure safety by encrypting the personal information with SSL (secure sockets layer) encryption technology or equivalent security technology to prevent unauthorized Access by third parties during communication. In addition, to prevent the leakage, misuse, or falsification of personal information due to unauthorized Access by third parties, we have installed firewalls, implemented computer virus countermeasures, and taken other reasonable security measures to ensure the safety of guests' personal information.

<About browsing this site>
We use cookies*1 to ensure that guests can use our services comfortably when browsing our website.

<About email delivery>
When sending e-mails to guests, we may obtain the following information as information that can identify individual guests.

  1. HTML email opening or Revue Show status (using Web beacons*2)
  2. Access information to our website from e-mail (HTML mail and text mail)

*About cookies
Our website may use cookies to provide guests with better services.
A cookie is a mechanism by which a website provider temporarily writes and stores data on guests computer via your web browser.
The cookies we use do not contain any records that could identify guests personal information.
For detailed instructions on how to set cookies, please refer to the "Cookies" or "Cookies" item in the "Help" menu of each browser.
If you choose to reject all cookies, you may be unable to use services that require your consent.
Please note that there may be restrictions on the use of various online services.

Our site uses cookies for the following purposes.

  1. When guests log in to the authentication service, we may access guests stored registration information to provide guests with a more personalized service.
  2. To investigate the number of users and traffic on our site
  3. To improve the service of our site
  4. To maintain security, to prompt guests who have not used the service for a certain time to re-enter their password (re-authentication)

*About Web Beacons
A web beacon is a mechanism for embedding tiny invisible images (1x1 pixel GIF images) into web pages or HTML formatted e-mails to collect information about their viewing. This allows us to collect information about guests 's e-mail opening/ Revue Show status and the web page viewing information from the e-mail. We use a technology called "web beacon" when delivering HTML formatted e-mails (excluding reservation-related e-mails).

Huis Ten Bosch uses the following information gathering modules to analyze the trends of guests visiting our website.

Service provider: Unerry Inc.
Privacy Policy: https://www.unerry.co.jp/privacy/

Service provider: Intimate Merger Co., Ltd.
Privacy Policy: https://corp.intimatemerger.com/privacypolicy/

7. Other matters

If guests are under the age of 16, please obtain parental consent before providing us with any personal information.
We may revise this document in order to more appropriately manage guests personal information or in response to changes in relevant laws and regulations.
Due to its content, the "Basic Policy on the Proper Handling of Specific Personal Information, etc." does not apply to guests.

Enactment date: September 1, 2021
Huis Ten Bosch Co., Ltd.
Representative Director Kotaro Takamura
