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HUIS TEN BOSCH Visitor guide


Can I put a link from my personal website

You are free to link. However, please observe the following precautions.
As a general rule, please link to the top page (https://www.huistenbosch.co.jp/).

Request for links

  1. We will refuse links from the website that contain content that damages the credibility of Huis Ten Bosch
  2. Huis Ten Bosch logo and mark are registered trademarks. If you would like to use it, please contact us from the opinion form.
  3. Please do not use the link itself as a means of business.
  4. Please refrain from using links such as frame links that make it unclear that the content is produced by us.
  5. If you have any other questions, please contact us using the opinion form.

Find a question

If you can't find what you're looking for in our FAQ,
Please contact us from this page.