Voice from school
is chosen,
Huis Ten Bosch
In 2021, the number of schools visiting Huis Ten Bosch on educational trips will be 188% compared to 2018 before COVID-19. Among the reasons why people chose us as a travel destination, we have received high praise for "safety", including the epidemic prevention system, and "coexistence of learning and entertainment".
Huis Ten Bosch was selected as the number one tourist destination nationwide in a survey of junior high and high school educational trips conducted in 2021. (*71 out of 2,878 total responses).
<Source: Educational Travel Annual Report "Data Book" 2022 Edition / Issued by: Japan School Trip Association>received from school
*Permission has been obtained from the school prior to publication.
Nobeoka City Kitagata Gakuen Junior High School
The eco bags that the students made during comprehensive study were given to the lecturer giving the SDGs lecture as a souvenir.

Kumamoto City Nagamine Elementary School
Yamaguchi South Comprehensive Support School High School
Daemyung Junior High School
Elementary School Attached to Notre Dame Seishin Women's University