HUIS TEN BOSCH Visitor guide


WEB ticket purchase steps

date selection
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Please select your arrival date from the calendar

ticket selection
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Tickets available for purchase on the selected date will be displayed, so please select the desired ticket

Ticket details
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The details of the ticket will be displayed, so please select and enter the necessary items and the number of tickets, and press the "Add to Cart" button.

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The contents of the cart will be displayed, so please check the contents and amount and press the "Proceed to checkout" button.

Login or register as a new member
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If you are a first-time user, please register as a new member. If you are a registered member, please log in with your email address and password.

Select payment method
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Payment method is credit card only. Enter your information and proceed to confirm your purchase

Confirm purchase details
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Check the purchase details and precautions, and if there are no problems, press the "Confirm purchase" button.

Purchase completed
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A purchase completion screen will appear.
When using the ticket, just press the "Show ticket" button and display the QR code!