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Important Notices

August 19, 2021

About new coronavirus infection of staff

This time, Huis Ten Bosch complained of poor physical condition, so an inspection was conducted on Wednesday, August 18, and it was confirmed that the new coronavirus infection was "positive" on the same day.


Work departmentPositive judgment dateOperation status of the facilityPresence or absence of close contacts in the park
Employee 1 Bayside kitchen
Wednesday, August 18 Temporarily closed for 3 days from the 18th to the 20th of the positive judgment day. The inside of the store including the kitchen and hall has been disinfected. The annexed merchandise store has been disinfected and is open. Not specified after the survey (updated 8/27)

To protect your privacy, we will refrain from disclosing your personal name.

All of the staff members in question were wearing masks while working and were taking thorough measures to prevent infection, such as washing their hands and disinfecting their hands. In addition, they had no contact with the three people who had been confirmed to be infected by the 17th (Tuesday).
Ensuring the safety of guests and employees will continue to be our top priority, and we will work closely with relevant organizations such as public health centers and local governments to take further measures necessary to prevent the spread of infection.
We sincerely apologize to guests, local residents, and all other concerned parties for any concern and concern caused.
